Say Hello to Your Fractional Marketing & Communications Department

You’ve got your niche.
It’s time to take your impact even further.

We’re your scalable solution for a comprehensive approach to digital marketing and public relations, no matter if your "thing" is creative, branding, design, production, or something else entirely.

We have a robust network of the best of the best independent contractors in the marketing and communications space. Our database is filled with workers who are willing, able and ready to bring your brand to life online.

How we do it: 

The world of work has transformed. Teams are remote, the need for flexible work is real, the pressure of working parents has never been higher, and the demand for companies to stay ahead of the competition is faster than ever. We believe in a better way to make magic online in a scalable model that’s better for everyone. 

Why we do it:

We believe in a digital workforce. Here's why:

next >

It’s better for business.

By hiring flexible online-based solutions, companies can stay cost-efficient by paying only for what they need. A budget for one full time employee annually can be used to fund a dynamic digital team, with reduced risk. 

It's better for workers.

95% of workers want flexible hours, and 71% of U.S. workers are planning to freelance in 2023. By enabling workers with ownership of the projects they take on, we empower them to own their work-life balance and ultimately produce the best work.

It's better for brands.

A single worker has a set amount of skills and experience. A network of workers has thousands. We can build your team customized to your unique industry and needs – and scale along the way as you grow.

The Agency Partnership You’ve Been Looking For

We’re your dynamic partner, in more ways than one. Three things that make us stand apart:

white labeled services

When we say we’re a part of your team, we mean it. We welcome partners to white label our services to extend the power of your organization. 


While we have our robust operating system, we’re flexible with yours. From project management to CRM, we work within your unique structures and processes so no one skips a beat.

sales support

Pitching new business is our jam. We offer sales support to integrate digital marketing and communications in your business development plans. Whether you are actively responding to RFPs or seeking growth opportunities within existing business, our sales team is here to support you. 

Expand your services, Grow your business.

Don’t take our word for it - take a look at some of our recent partnership wins.

won agencies

23 contracts

between 2022 - 2023 through white labeled services



in 2022-2023

Average first year growth of existing accounts with digital expansion


Digital media is

and Hillary is always at the top of the game,
thinking two steps ahead of anyone else. She
takes her client relationships seriously and is
always just a phone call or text away when
algorithms change or questions come up.


Let's talk shop.

Book a discovery call with us to learn more about how we can transform your agency. 


A fractional department is a type of outsourcing arrangement where a company hires a team of experts to handle various aspects of their marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts. The term "fractional" refers to the fact that the company is only hiring a portion of the department's time and expertise, rather than building out an entire in-house team.

Fractional departments typically offer a range of services, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media management, content marketing, email marketing, executive visibility, and media relations. These teams may consist of individuals with specialized skills in each of these areas, allowing the company to benefit from a diverse range of expertise without having to hire full-time employees.

The benefits of a fractional department include access to specialized skills and expertise, cost savings compared to hiring full-time employees, and increased flexibility to scale up or down as needed. Additionally, outsourcing tasks can free up internal resources and allow the company to focus on its core business functions.

Overall, a fractional department can be an effective way for companies to improve their marketing and communications efforts without investing in the infrastructure and resources needed to build out a full in-house team.

We work closely with your agency to understand your existing team and processes. This may involve attending meetings, conducting interviews with key team members, and reviewing relevant documentation.

Once we have a solid understanding of the agency's existing team and processes, we can then integrate our services in a way that complements and enhances the agency's capabilities. This may involve collaborating with the agency's internal team members, providing recommendations for process improvements, and aligning our work with the agency's overall goals and objectives.

As your fractional marketing and communications department, we will establish clear lines of communication with the agency's team members, including regular check-ins and status updates, and be responsive to any questions or concerns that may arise. The goal is to seamlessly integrate with the agency's existing team and processes, and provide the agency with the specialized expertise they need to achieve their goals.

The process for communication and reporting between the agency and Digital HQ may vary depending on the specific needs and preferences of the agency. However, there are several key components that should be included in any effective communication and reporting process.

First and foremost, there should be regular check-ins and status updates between the agency and Digital HQ. This can take the form of weekly or bi-weekly meetings, email updates, or other forms of communication as agreed upon by both parties. These check-ins should cover progress on current projects, upcoming tasks, and any issues or concerns that may arise.

In addition to regular check-ins, Digital HQ will provide the agency with detailed reports on their work and results. These reports should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the agency, and may include metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, social media engagement, and more. The reports should also include insights and recommendations for future work, based on the data and results achieved to date.

Finally, effective communication and reporting requires a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities on both sides. The agency should designate a point person or team to serve as the primary contact for Digital HQ, and we will have clear processes in place for escalating issues or concerns as needed.

Overall, the communication and reporting process between the agency and Digital HQ should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the agency, and designed to ensure that both parties are aligned and working towards the same objectives.

Digital HQ can provide a range of support and training to help the agency's internal team learn and grow in their digital marketing knowledge and skills.

One common approach is to provide regular training and education sessions on topics such as social media marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC advertising, and more. These sessions can be tailored to the specific needs and skill levels of the agency's internal team, and may be delivered in person or via online training modules.

In addition to formal training sessions, Digital HQ can also provide ongoing support and mentorship to agency staff. This may include regular check-ins, ad-hoc support on specific projects, and guidance on best practices and industry trends.

Finally, Digital HQ can help the agency to implement new tools and technologies, and provide training on how to use these tools effectively. This can help the agency to streamline their workflows, optimize their processes, and provide better service to their clients.

Overall, the support and training provided by Digital HQ can help the agency's internal team to develop new skills, stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies, and provide better value and service to their clients.

When working with agencies in the same industry, we always make sure to clearly define the scope of work with each client before beginning any project. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures that we’re meeting each agency’s specific needs.

To maintain confidentiality, we establish strict protocols around data security and access, such as using separate servers, logins, and password-protected files for each agency. We also limit access to information on a need-to-know basis to avoid sharing confidential information between programs.

Transparency is also important when working with multiple agencies in the same industry. We are always upfront about any potential conflicts of interest and disclose any existing relationships or partnerships with other companies in the same industry before engaging in business with them.

We also separate account teams to manage agencies in the same industry. This ensures that each client receives personalized attention and that their needs are being met without any conflict of interest.

Overall, working with clients in the same industry requires a delicate balance of transparency, confidentiality, and differentiation. By establishing clear protocols and focusing on each agency’s unique needs, we can successfully navigate this situation while maintaining the trust of our partners.

While we have extensive experience in identifying new business opportunities and generating leads in the advertising industry, we want to emphasize that our success in this area is dependent on a strong partnership between our team and yours. We cannot achieve optimal results without your input and cooperation.

To ensure a successful partnership, we request your assistance in providing clear guidance on your agency's target market and ideal customer profile, sharing any relevant industry insights or trends, and providing timely feedback on leads and prospects. By working together, we believe that we can achieve great success in business prospecting for your agency.